Cataract Surgery
Successful Cataract Surgery is the uncomplicated removal of the cloudy lens (cataract) and replacement with a permanent, clear intraocular lens. This restores a clear optical pathway for light to pass through the eye with the goal of improving vision and reducing symptoms of cataracts such as glare.
STANDARD OR MONOFOCAL IOL – This is a monofocal lens, meaning the IOL corrects for one distance (either far or near). This surgery does NOT correct corneal astigmatism. Most patients require glasses at all times for best vision. This is MANUAL cataract surgery, where the surgery is performed by the hand of the surgeon. There are no additional out of pocket charges, only insurance related costs. There is a Monovision option where the Dominant eye is targeted for Distance vision, and the Non-Dominant eye is targeted for Near vision. This allows freedom from glasses. Some stereo vision (depth perception) is lost with Monovision. A trial of monovision in contact lens would be required before choosing the Monovision option in cataract surgery, to ensure the patient is a candidate and is able to adapt to this form of vision.
There are advanced technology intraocular lens (ATIOL) choices that may be available to you and would decrease your dependence on glasses. After a full dilated exam with testing, the surgeon will determine if you are a candidate for these ATIOLs.
Intended to reduce the need for glasses for both far and near. Usually achieves casual near ability, and works best in bright lighting. Halos and glare are a possibility at night due to the structure of the IOL having various diffractive rings. Usually, these side effects decrease with time. MFIOLs are available with toric correction as well, for those patients who also need corneal astigmatism correction. (Laser assisted cataract surgery).
As a non-diffractive lens with no rings on the IOL itself, the risk of halos and glare at night are low. This IOL provides distance vision and intermediate vision. Readers will likely be needed for Near vision. With this no-ring IOL design, patients with mild retinal or corneal disease may be candidates for this lens, allowing these patients more freedom from glasses wear. This EDOF lens is available with toric correction for those patients needing corneal astigmatism correction as well. (Laser assisted cataract surgery).
This ATIOL is intended for patients with corneal astigmatism, to reduce the need for glasses at distance. Reading glasses will still be needed for Intermediate and Near vision. (Laser assisted cataract surgery).
If you have mild astigmatism that does not require a Toric IOL, laser astigmatism reduction can be performed to reduce the need for glasses at distance. Reading glasses will still be needed for Intermediate and Near vision. (Laser assisted cataract surgery).
The ORA is an intraoperative device that assists the surgeon in IOL power selection, increasing the accuracy of hitting our target prescription. Measurements of the eye are taken in the clinic, during your pre-operative appointment, while the cataract is still in the eye. This usually offers great results. However, there are cases where preop measurements may not be as accurate, and we use ORA to take real-time measurements in the operating room to confirm or adjust the IOL power previously selected from pre-op clinic measurements. This is required for post-refractive patients (patients with history of LASIK/PRK/RK surgery), where previous corneal surgery affects the accuracy of our clinic measurements. ORA is also highly recommended for very near or far-sighted eyes or patients with very dense cataracts, where accuracy is limited in our preop testing.
Despite the best surgical technique, and highest technology scans and IOLs, a refractive goal cannot be assured because each person heals differently.